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     The joke is the basis of stand-up comedy.  A joke has to have certain elements or it's not a joke.  The basic elements needed are the target/butt of the joke/reality/truth/exaggeration/emotion, and, the most important element of all, the element of Surprise. 

    Just as the eight notes of the musical scale infinite an infinite number of songs, so the eight or so basic jokes comprise an itnfinite number of jokes.  It all depends on the joke writer to mine the creativity and be original. 

     The secret to writing great jokes is this: 

     Write.  Writer's write. 

     Writing is dedication, and dedication to the craft brings the joy of discovery, the feeling of accomplishment.

     But you only get there by writing thousands and thousands and thousands of jokes. 

     If you're someone who says, "I hate to write... but I love  having written",well, the writer's life is probably not for you.  I can't imagine putting in all the hours everyday doing something I don't love; and I do love writing.  It's difficult for me to take even a day off because I am disciplined. 

     But really because have so much fun.   

     Writing jokes is a craft that the great writers often elevate to art.  I'm a craftsman and an artist. 

      I hope you have fun reading.


    *   A writer can only write what he want if he knows what he want.  What I want changes daily, mostly through conversations with my friends, my daughters, my wife, Terri, (who "urged" me to start this website)I learn what I want through stuff I read, shit I hear, and situatuons I bump into.  Ideas tend to flow easily when you're in the zone.

      I welcome your  ideas, your critique (...But Beware! Writers can only take critiques that begin with: "You, my friend, are a fucking Genius!!!"), your suggestions, tips, networking connections, and your introduction to all people who are serious, dedicated, professional writers of any ilk who enjoy writing. That last clause is mandatory.   

      Most of all, "whatever the fuck I want" means having fun everyday coming up with stuff and crafting it into entertainment that I can post every day that is smart, thoughtful, and funny. Always funny. 

            The Hawk's Mission

                                                                     Craig sez: "I'll write whatever the fuck I want" *



   Craig Hawksley

Writer and Professor

of Stand-Up Comedy


"Dedicated to putting jokes back in stand-up."

                        ...If I'd only taken up pipe smoking!...

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